Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"It's 11:40, or close enough; the sky is as gray as it was at six this morning..."-- The City of Magnificent Intentions

Instead of wishing you could follow, you take action. You walk back to the bungalow with newfound confidence. Packing your belongings, you think of all the good times, the bad slip in, too. You may never know why he left...or if he'll come back. That's the hardest part. It always is.

The door closes and you stand looking out at the ocean, the limitless opportunities. You breathe in the salty air and feel more alive now than you ever have. You are free.

A taxi drives by so you chase it. He stops and you direct him to the train station. You arrive and search the station; for what, you don't know. PANAMA flashes across a board-- NOON DEPARTURE. You have 20 minutes to decide. But the decision is already made. The City Speaks. You just have to listen. It doesn't want you to leave, to go home. So you don't. You just wander free...for now.

What adventures will this train lead you to? What will happen when you get to Panama? Who will you meet? How will you move on? Or will you...........???????????????

A woman greets you as you step onto the train. "Hola!" she says. You smile, "Hola." You settle in and pull out a book, but before you start reading you realize: Home is where the heart is. You are always Home.